Monday, May 2, 2011

Ad Council

                Although it has been over a year since a disastrous earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 struck Haiti, 16 miles west of its capital Port-au-Prince , the three million Haitians affected by it still need your help. Before the earthquake, Haiti was already known for being one of the poorest countries in the entire globe.  Haiti has no construction standards as the majority of homes in Haiti were made out of materials such as cardboard, aluminum, lackluster wood, and anything sturdy that the average Haitian family can get their hands on. So it is not difficult to send some cost efficient materials such as wood from your local Lowes or Home Depot.  Haiti’s population is 10 million, so 1/3 of their population were harmed by this disastrous earthquake. Governments from a couple of nations have lent a hand, Venezuela, Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany and China. The reason that the people of Haiti need Your help is because most of them only live on $2 a day, so it is very difficult for them to have ends meet, struggling just to get food on their table for their family to eat. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Notes Chapter 9: Landscapes

Landmarks in Landscape Photography 
  • An innovator of landscape photography Carleton E. Watkins wanted to capture the grandeur of the American West.
  •  Ansel Adams another great one was inspired by Yosemite Valley and made some of his best-known images there. 
Photographing the Landscape
 Thinking Artistically
  • Composition is a vital aspect to landscape photography 
  • Explore all the variations when you set up a shot
  • Value, an image's light and dark areas 
Camera Settings
  • Choosing small f-stops  will result in longer shutter speeds. 
  • In some lighting conditions, this could mean that your shutter speeds could be anywhere from 1/15 of a second to several seconds long 
  • Their are two times during the day when many professional landscape photographers do most of their work .
  • Its easier to deal with direct lighting for distant subjects than it is for closer subjects 
  • Count on using a yellow filter to bring out clouds
  • To duplicate the Ansel Adams look use a red filter 
Camera Support
  • Use a tripod that is strudy enough to hold the camera, but light enough that you wont leave it in the car or at home when you go out
Th Grand Landscape 
  • The big view for pictures of the great outdoors - wide open expanses that showcase the majesty of the natural world 
  • While most of these images depend on a beautiful and striking subject 
  • Grand Landscapes always include a large expanse of the scene and wide angle lenses will give you the wider view that you need. 
  • To make clouds stand out use a yellow, orange, or red filter 
Landscape Details and Close Up
  • Grand Landscape images can be overwhelming, with subjects so big they make us feel small and insignificant.
  • Parks a re a good source of subject matter for detail-oriented photographs 
  • We usually think of bright sunny days as the best for outdoor photography, but direct sun in wooded areas like a park create difficult lighting conditions 
Abstracted Elements in the Landscape
  • Abstracted Elements are images composed of lines, shapes, values, and textures 
  • One of the best ways to turn an ordinary scene into an abstract image is to get really close to your subject and photograph only a small part of it.
Las Vegas


Grand Canyon

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog Notes pg.190-197

  • Instead of photographing actual objects, try capturing the shadows that they cast 
  • Pay attention to the lines, shapes, and values of an object's shadow 
The Detail Shot 
  • Features the individual architectural elements of a building's interior or exterior. 
Interior Views 
  • You can record overall shot of whole rooms or you can focus on the smaller details
  • The closer you are to the interior subject, the more depth of field you'll need, so get a higher f-stop

Blog Notes pgs.184-189

Camera Settings
  • Select a smaller f-stop
  • Use a bigger camera format for the most detailed images
  • Inside buildings, different kinds of lights are used
    • There are incandescent lights(regular bulbs), slightly more orange
    • Quartz lights (modern spotlights), somewhat yellow
    • Flourescent lights, greener
  •  To correct a photography being shot under incandescent bulbs, use a deep blue 80A filter
Camera Support
  • If you like slow, fine-grained film and lots of depth of field you will use slow shutter speeds with a tripod
The Big View
  • An image that show you the whole building is what most commercial architectural photography relies on 
  • Prospective Distortion appears as strong converging lines in a building, where the sides of the building angle in toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality  
  • The photographer must also decide whether to shoot straight on or from to the side 

Blog Notes pg.179-183

Looking Back
  • Architecture was a popular subject for photographers for several reasons:
    • Early films were notoriously slow 
    • buildngs were stationary so photographers had ready subjects with lots of details
  • British photographer Frederick H. Evans is considered to be one of the greatest in the history of the medium. 
Photographing the Built Environment 
Thinking Artistically
  •   Use line to lead the viewer's eye through an architectural image
  •  Observe the space that surrounds the objects or buildings in your photographs
  • A buildings visual relationship to things around it can also reveal a great deal about its personality

Monday, January 10, 2011

Movie Notes

  • Daily News was first illustrated in 1919
  • It brought the events to the consumer of the paper to life by having photographs
  • The Daily News brought a camera into an execution room
  • Photographs started to take the place of drawings in public advertisements 
  • In the 1920's photographs became a form of modernism
  • It was the commencement of media celebrities (Sports Stars became Super Stars for example Babe Ruth became a spokesman/celebrity advertising different products)
  • Media made serious invents such as Robert Valentino's funeral into a circus o
  • Photography can reveal more then any naked eye can see 
  • It appeared that photography had reach its peak while media has just started
  • "The Golden Age of Photography was about to end"