Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog Notes pgs.184-189

Camera Settings
  • Select a smaller f-stop
  • Use a bigger camera format for the most detailed images
  • Inside buildings, different kinds of lights are used
    • There are incandescent lights(regular bulbs), slightly more orange
    • Quartz lights (modern spotlights), somewhat yellow
    • Flourescent lights, greener
  •  To correct a photography being shot under incandescent bulbs, use a deep blue 80A filter
Camera Support
  • If you like slow, fine-grained film and lots of depth of field you will use slow shutter speeds with a tripod
The Big View
  • An image that show you the whole building is what most commercial architectural photography relies on 
  • Prospective Distortion appears as strong converging lines in a building, where the sides of the building angle in toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality  
  • The photographer must also decide whether to shoot straight on or from to the side 

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