Landmarks in Landscape Photography
- An innovator of landscape photography Carleton E. Watkins wanted to capture the grandeur of the American West.
- Ansel Adams another great one was inspired by Yosemite Valley and made some of his best-known images there.
Photographing the Landscape
Thinking Artistically
- Composition is a vital aspect to landscape photography
- Explore all the variations when you set up a shot
- Value, an image's light and dark areas
Camera Settings
- Choosing small f-stops will result in longer shutter speeds.
- In some lighting conditions, this could mean that your shutter speeds could be anywhere from 1/15 of a second to several seconds long
- Their are two times during the day when many professional landscape photographers do most of their work .
- Its easier to deal with direct lighting for distant subjects than it is for closer subjects
- Count on using a yellow filter to bring out clouds
- To duplicate the Ansel Adams look use a red filter
Camera Support
- Use a tripod that is strudy enough to hold the camera, but light enough that you wont leave it in the car or at home when you go out
Th Grand Landscape
- The big view for pictures of the great outdoors - wide open expanses that showcase the majesty of the natural world
- While most of these images depend on a beautiful and striking subject
- Grand Landscapes always include a large expanse of the scene and wide angle lenses will give you the wider view that you need.
- To make clouds stand out use a yellow, orange, or red filter
Landscape Details and Close Up
- Grand Landscape images can be overwhelming, with subjects so big they make us feel small and insignificant.
- Parks a re a good source of subject matter for detail-oriented photographs
- We usually think of bright sunny days as the best for outdoor photography, but direct sun in wooded areas like a park create difficult lighting conditions
Abstracted Elements in the Landscape
- Abstracted Elements are images composed of lines, shapes, values, and textures
- One of the best ways to turn an ordinary scene into an abstract image is to get really close to your subject and photograph only a small part of it.
Las Vegas
Grand Canyon